Image of Value Study (darks and lights) with drawings of individual details of flower, done at one of Vorobik's Orchid Painting Retreats in Hawaii. The image above appears on front of notecard; below see detail view.

Family: Orchidaceae
Oncidiinae: Evolution of a Painting
by 7 inches, on watercolor paper with a deckled edge. Notecards of "Evolution of a Painting" have the Value study on the front of the card, and the two images shown below on the back of the notecard. See also the final result of this painting's evolution, the white orchid flower with a blue background.
Oncidiinae: Evolution of a Painting
Orchidaceae ~ Orchid Family
We often see a final painting but don't have a visualization of the process. In painting flowers, the first step is possibly the best: looking, and appreciating what nature has offered, examining the parts, feeling soft petals, smelling the gentle sweet fragrance. Presented here are three studies. On the face of this notecard is the value study of the flower of Bllra. Tahoma Glacier 'Sugar Sweet', a cultivated intergeneric hybrid from species belonging to the Oncidiinae subtribe of the Orchid Family. Click to see images of the same flower drawn with pen and ink and then watercolored, and watercolored with a green background. See also the image with the blue background, reproduced on another notecard.
Notecards of "Evolution of a Painting" have the Value study on the front of the card, and the two images shown above on the back of the card.
Visit the website for Pacific Orchid Farms (www.PacificOrchidFarms.com) to obtain the real flowers, and paint your own, or come along on Vorobik's Hawaii Orchid Painting retreat.